
Top Ten Indie Films of 2008

I like the mainstream as much as anyone, but this year was definitely a read for independent films.

adamresurrected poster10. Resurrected

I can't call a memorable film, but it wasn't a bad film either.

hamlet2poster9. Hamlet 2

It did show some promise, but in the end it will only be remembered for “Rock Me, Sexy Jesus”.

realtime poster8. Real Time

An enjoyable Canadian comedy.

In bruges poster7. In Bruges

A wonderful little film that put the small town in Belgium on the map.

wackness poster6. The Wackness

A decent coming of age story.

SynecdocheNewYork Poster5. Synecdoche, New York

It made hardly any sense, but it was still compelling.

happy go lucky poster 14. Happy-Go-Lucky

A great little British film.

jcvd poster 13. JCVD

Never has seemed so vulnerable.

SlumdogMillionaire poster 12. Slumdog Millionaire

The film was almost magical.

Pontypool poster 11. Pontypool

Yes, the Canadian Zombie film was THAT good (too me anyway).

Tomorrow, I post my top ten films of 2008!

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