All posts and reviews on Sean Kelly on Movies (SK on Movies) are written entirely by Sean Patrick Kelly. However, we are not against using generative AI as a tool to enhance our content. Here is a disclosure of all the tools used by Sean Patrick Kelly and their application to the site.
We have used Open AI’s ChatGPT to assist with copywriting for the site’s text-based advertisements and social media posts.
Beginning in 2025, I used a cloned version of my voice in
Taxopress AI
We use the Taxopress plug-in’s AI-generated recommendations to help tag our posts.
Buffer AI Assistant
We used the AI assistant of Buffer‘s social media sharing site to generate the copy for some of our social media posts.
We use
Canva AI
We experimented with Canva‘s generative AI features for our social media posts related to our coverage of the 2023 Blood in the Snow Film Festival.

In addition, we routinely use Canva’s Magic Eraser and Magic Expand feature when editing images.
Instagram AI Stickers
We have used Instagram’s AI sticker generator for select Instagram Stories, such as this Laser-Blasting Ice Mummy for the BITS 2023 Q&A for The Hyperborean:

vidIQ and TubeBubby
Used the apps