

A trio of college freshmen get more that they bargain for they try to join an extremely exclusive fraternity in Pledge. David (Zack Weiner), Ethan (Phillip Andre Botello), and Justin (Zachary Byrd) are three college freshmen, who find themselves shunned by most of the campuses fraternities. The three are approached by Rachel (Erica Boozer), who invites…

The Dark

The Dark

An undead teenage girl befriends blind boy in The Dark. Mina (Nadia Alexander) is a cannibalistic undead teenager, who haunts an isolated forested area known as the “Devil’s Den.” After dispatching of a fugitive criminal that enters the area, Mina meets the criminal’s blinded hostage Alex (Toby Nichols). Mina decides to help Alex get back to…

Bleed for This

Bleed for This

A world champion boxer comes back from a supposedly career-ending injury in Bleed for This. Vinny Pazienza (Miles Teller) is a young boxer with a “never give up” attitude. However, he keeps losing fights and his manager Lou (Ted Levine) encourages him to just thrown in the towel. When Vinny refuses to hang it up, he…

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

Batman Begins set things up, and now The Dark Knight set things into full motion. I could say that I thought it was a very good film and I like the fact that equal screen time was given to both heroes and the villains. Heath Ledger was definitely wonderful as The Joker, however I also…