In the role of actor
The Blackcoat’s Daughter (15/09/2015)
Two girls alone at a boarding school encounter an evil demonic presence in The Blackcoat’s Daghter. It is late February, and the Branford all-girls boarding school is preparing to go on break. However, the parents of neither Katherine (Kiernan Shipka) or Rose (Lucy Boynton) have arrived yet to pick them up, so they are left […]
Spring (16/05/2015)
A man finds love with a woman with a monstrous secret in Spring. Following the death of his mother, Evan (Lou Taylor Pucci) goes into a personal tailspin, which includes getting into a bar fight that costs him his job. Looking for a change of scenery, Even travels to Italy and gets a job working […]
Spring Breakers (03/04/2013)
Through its depiction in movies and popular culture, the spring break holiday has gained mythological status as the time when horny college students get to live out their hedonistic fantasies. How many times have we seen spring break depicted as the place where people can go crazy with sex, drugs, and drinking, without worrying about […]