The Flash

The Flash

The superfast superhero inadvertently disrupts the timeline in The Flash. Barry Allen (Ezra Miller) is a forensic investigator, who as The Flash is a member of the Justice League led by Batman (Ben Affleck). Barry is distraught that he is missing a vital piece of evidence to exonerate his father Henry (Ron Livingston) for the…

Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Zack Snyder’s Justice League is being reviewed as an independent entity from the theatrical cut. For my original thoughts, you can check out my original review from November 2017. A little background, for the uninformed: In May 2017, while his Justice League film was beginning post-production, Zack Snyder decided to step down as director, following the…

Justice League

Justice League

The world’s heroes team together to fight an invading threat in Justice League. As the world recovers from the death of Superman (Henry Cavill), a new threat arises in the form of the invading Steppenwolf (Ciarán Hinds), who comes to Earth looking for the Mother Boxes, which will allow him to take over the planet. Batman…