Fred Rogers
☼ Born on 20 February 1928, in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, USA
† Died on 27 February 2003, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, cause stomach cancer
BiographyFred Rogers was the host of the popular long-running public television children's show Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. The show debuted in Pittsburgh in 1967 and was picked up by PBS the next year, becoming a staple of public TV stations around the United States. Rogers' mild manner, cardigan sweaters and soft speaking voice made him both widely beloved and widely parodied. Rogers ended production of the show in 2001, but reruns of the show continued to be aired on many PBS stations. He died in 2003 after a short battle with stomach cancer.

In the role of actor

Won’t You Be My Neighbor (29/04/2018)

The story of the life an career of Mr. Rogers is told in Won’t You Be My Neighbor. In the late 1960s, Fred Rogers started the children’s television series Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, as a way to connect children to the issues of the day, using his singing, storytelling, and puppetry. The show ran for over […]

Birth of the Living Dead (29/10/2013)

The history behind of production of George A. Romeo’s Night of the Living Dead is revealed in the new documentary Birth of the Living Dead.  Using new interviews with Romero, and a wide variety of film experts, the film goes through the process of Romero making the film in 1968 and how it helped to […]