

The staff of a department store is terrorized by sentient killer blue jeans in Slaxx. The hip department store Canadian Cotton Clothiers is preparing for their Monday Madness sale and the launch of their new self-adjusting Super Shaper jeans. Libby (Romane Denis) is freshly hired by store manager Craig (Brett Donahue) and joins other staff…



A young women undergoes a horrifying transformation in the body horror film Bite.  Shortly before her wedding to her fiance Jared (Jordan Gray), Casey (Elma Begovic) goes on a bachelorette holiday to Costa Rica with her friends Jill (Annette Wozniak) and Kirsten (Denise Yuen).  While swimming in an off-path spring, Casey gets bitten by something under…

The Demolisher

The Demolisher

A tormented man becomes a violent vigilante in The Demolisher. Bruce (Ry Barrett) is a repairman, who becomes obsessed with vengeance against those who sent his policewoman wife Samantha (Tianna Nori) into a wheelchair. Wearing riot gear and armed with nightsticks, Bruce heads out onto the streets of Toronto at night and violently beats those who…