If you have any questions, comments, or inquiries, feel free to drop me a line.

First some general notes to keep in mind:
Advertising/Sponsored Posts
I will not accept any request to advertise on this site or write any sponsored posts. While it would be nice to better monetize the site, there are just too many logistics involved that I don’t want to deal with and any advertising will come from my affiliates.

Film Screeners
As per my personal policy, I will only review films that either have a theatrical screening somewhere in the Greater Toronto Area or is being released on VOD, DVD or blu-ray.  Most of the screeners that I review are sent to me from an official source, such as PR or distribution companies, though I will consider inquiries on a case-to-case basis.

Non-Film Topics
As per the title of the site, I only write about subjects that pertain to film.  While have been some exceptions, such as me writing about plays based on movies, I try to keep my posts centred on the world of cinema. As such, I will not accept requests to write about non-film topics, such as television or general pop culture.

Inquires About My Filmmaking
This contact make is specifically for inquiries about my writing, if you want to contact me in regards to my filmmaking, please head to the contact page on the Sean Kelly Productions website.

With those guidelines in mind, you can contact me by filling out the form below or e-mailing me at sean@skonmovies.com

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