In the role of director
The Great Hip-Hop Hoax (05/05/2013)
The music industry is no stranger to hoaxes. In fact, the story of the Milli Vanilli, the pretty-boy duo of the late 1980s, who were exposed as lip-syncers, probably remains the most infamous hoax of music history. However, compared to Silibil n’ Brains, the main subjects of Jeanie Finlay’s documentary The Great Hip-Hop Hoax, Milli […]
Sound It Out (20/04/2012)
Tomorrow happens to be International Record Story Day. As such, it is not that surprising that the Bloor Cinema would program a new documentary that is all about celebrating the joy and charm of the independent record store. Sound It Out documents the very last record shop in Teesside, which is located in the North East of England. […]