Alexander is a teenage boy with autism, who has just finished school and is preparing to head out to live on his own. Following his 18th birthday, Alexander goes on a trip to Barcelona with his older brother Sebastian. As they head off to attend a game by FC Barcelona, the two brothers bond, as Alexander begins to come out of his shell. A Different Kind of Boy is touching film about this autistic teen’s search for independence. It’s stated at one point in the film that Alexander doesn’t even know what autism means, which does make it a bit more of a challenge when it comes to living with it. With a careworker, who visits Alexander and helps with his groceries, he is able to learn to move on from his sheltered home life, despite having a few quirks, such as sticking rolled up tissues up his nose. At a relatively brief 54 minutes, A Different Kind of Boy only shows a brief window of time in Alexander’s life. The main highlight of the film is Alexander’s trip with his brother, which is a chance for the two to bond in a way they haven’t been able to previously. Overall, A Different Kind of Boy turned out to be a very heartwarming story.8 | LIKED IT
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