Hot Docs 2014 Shorts Round-Up

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Love_Ya Here are my brief thoughts on the four short documentaries I saw during Hot Docs: Love Ya
Screening with Mugshot, this short consisted of a split screen view of six couples talking about their relationship with each other.  The short was shot with an “interrotron” apparatus, originally developed by , so the couples saw each other as they spoke directly into the lens. This was a quite enjoyable and cute short, which really works to visualize the attraction these couples have for each other.
8 | LIKED IT Will the Real Dave Barber Please Stand Up?
Screening with Kung Fu Elliot, this short recounted the time Winnipeg Cinematheque programmer received Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal, even though some details about his accomplishments seemed odd.  Shot entirely on Super-8, Will the Real Dave Barber Please Stand Up? was quite a humorous short, especially in how Barber dubs in all the voices himself.  It’s a bit of a quirky short, but it was very enjoyable.
 9 | REALLY LIKED IT You Won’t Regret That Tattoo
Screening with Advanced Style, this short profiled a number of older people telling the stories behind their tattoos.  I’m not sure how many people realize that getting tattoos is a lifelong commitment and it was quite interesting seeing these older folks tell their stories, with very few of them having any regrets, other than the fact that they are still occasionally the victim of stereotyping.  This was an overall enjoyable and informative watch.
8 | LIKED IT Louis the Ferris Wheel Kid
Screening with A Different Kind of Boy, this short told the story of a kid, who grew up in the carnival life and is about to move away from his family to attend school.  the Ferris Wheel Kid is little more than a brief slice of this boy’s life, though it does touch upon the sadness of Louis moving away from his family, especially his younger brother.  This helps to make Louis the Ferris Wheel Kid a touching short to watch.

This post was proofread by Grammarly 
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