A woman explores her connection to a missing cryptozoologist in Kryptic. While on a hike through the British Columbia wilderness, Kay Hall (Chloe Pirrie) has an encounter with a mythical cryptid called a Sooka, emerging with no memories. Kay learns that she looks identical to Barb Valentine, a cryptozoologist who went missing on a search for the Sooka. Kay follows Barb’s path and makes some surprising discoveries.
Kryptic Synopsis
Kryptic is a science fiction thriller directed by Kourtney Roy. The film stars Chloe Pirrie (The Queen’s Gambit) in the duo role of Kay Hall and Barb Valentine, two characters who turn out to have quite a bit in common. The film also stars Jeff Gladstone as Barb’s creepy husband Morgan and Jason Deline and Alu Rusu-Tahir as Caleb and Sasha, members of a trailer park living family befriended by Kay/Barb. The central mystery of Kryptic involves a cryptid named the Sooka, which reportedly travels through microcosm portals, leaving behind a slimy goop.
My Thoughts on Kryptic
Kryptic can be described as a wilderness mystery with elements of science fiction and very goopy body horror. The plot of the film progressively gets more weird as it progresses and the protagonist of Kay/Barb regains more of her memories. For people into some very goopy sci-fi visuals, Kryptic might be worth checking out.