After twenty years (and two Alien vs. Predator films), the Predator series finally returns with a stand-alone installment. While film critics are quick to add the “reboot” buzzword to most new films from classic franchises, it is obvious that this film is meant to be a modern day sequel to the original 1987 film (and there’s even a scene that references it).
While Adrian Brody may have seemed odd at first to play the lead, but in the end I found that he more then held his own, especially with a great supporting cast that included Topher Grace and Laurence Fishburne.
The film plays homage to the original’s jungle setting, even though this time the setting is an alien “game preserve,” where the most dangerous people on Earth are brought to be hunted.
Overall, it was an enjoyable film that brings the Predator series back to focus after a pair of uneven crossover films.