
Good Luck Chuck (plus an introduction to the new look)

good luck chuck poster
First, I hope you enjoy the new look of the blog. As you can see from this post, I will now be including a picture of the movie poster when I post thoughts (I also edited my last post to include a picture from the Death Defying Acts Q&A at TIFF).

Now onto the film.

In recent years, Judd Apatow has made R-rated comedies cool again by producing/directing films such as The 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, and Superbad.

is a film that seems to try and duplicate that formula. Specifically, the formula used in The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up by coming a romantic comedy with crude humour.

Does this film work? Well, it's not perfect. I found myself laughing more at Jessica Alba's clumsiness then the sex-based jokes. In fact, there was this one sex-scene montage, which went on for about twice as long as it should have.

However, I will go against the general critical consensus and say that I still believe that Good Luck Chuck was a good enough film and there was plenty in the film for me to laugh at.

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How to Watch Good Luck Chuck (plus an introduction to the new look)

Where to Stream Good Luck Chuck (plus an introduction to the new look)

Sean Patrick Kelly
Sean Patrick Kelly
Sean Patrick Kelly is a freelance film critic and blogger based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.