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This Week in Movies – June 15-21

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After what was probably my busiest non-festival film-viewing week, next week is going to seem much more petty in comparison.  Skipping most of the new releases and I will instead focus on a few repertory screenings.

New Releases

  • The Island President (June 20) – This film won the People’s Choice Documentary award at TIFF and I look forward to checking it out at the Bloor Cinema.
  • The Terminator (June 16) – This film kicks off a summer Schwarzenegger/Stallone retrospective at the Bell Lightbox.  I’m way overdo in seeing this film and it will actually be my blindspot film for this month.
  • The Gate (June 21) – The June CineMacabre film at the Toronto Underground Cinema.  Quite interested in checking this one out.
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