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TIFF09: A Change of Scenery

upintheairIn what ended up being my longest shift in the history of my time volunteering for the festival, today I ended up changing locations halfway through my shift, from Varsity to Ryerson, to help out with the craziness happening at the screening for Jason Reitman’s Up in the Air.

The screening had a big red carpet with appearances from the cast, including . However, I was tending the ticket-holders line and I was way around the block from where most of the action was happening. I did manage to see Alex Billington from FirstShowing.net and Peter Sciretta from /Film waiting in the line and I managed to catch a peak of Jason Reitman’s father Ivan (of Ghostbusters fame) when I finally made it back to the theatre.

It was definitely an exhausting shift and I did not finally sign out until after nine. As such, I’m looking forward for a more low-key affair tomorrow when I return to Varsity.

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