
Movies of the Moment – February 4, 2005

Who in the world plans on going to the movies on Superbowl Weekend?

Well for those of you who plan on seeing a flick this weekend (like me), here are my thoughts on the major new releases.

's probably not a coincidence that this, the second film of Sam Raimi's Ghost House Pictures, comes out the same week that, Ghost House's first film, The Grudge came out on DVD. I don't know if it was the borrowed “Sixth Sense” score, but the trailer was enough to make me want to give this film a looksy. However, I wish they would stop giving away scares in TV Spots.

The Wedding Date
I, barely, saw the trailer for this movie last week, when I saw Sideways. It looks just like one of those generic wedding themed Romantic Comedies. And in that case, I'll pass on this film. (For those who don't know, unless they have a smart premise, like Eternal of the Spotless Mind, Romantic Comedies tend to be my least-favourite movie genre).

Until next week.

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