If I didn’t know better, I would have thought Role Models was produced by Judd Apatow. Not only does it star Paul Rudd, who has been a constant supporting character in Apatow’s films, but it also features Elizabeth Banks (in her third film within a month), Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Jane Lynch, Ken Jeong, and Joe Lo Truglio, all who appeared in a Judd Apatow-produced film in the past.
That said, director David Wain does do a good job at recreating the Apatow spirit with this funny comedy that would make Gene Simmons proud (there are plenty of KISS references).
It was fun seeing Seann William Scott back playing the sort of Stifler-like role that he is probably most suitable for, which is made more funny when played off of straight-man Paul Rudd.
It was interesting seeing Christopher Mintz-Plasse (aka McLovin’ from Superbad) in another film, especially considering how he is not a professionally train actor. It will be interesting how he develops in the years to come.
I also have to give praise to the other kid, Bobb’e J. Thompson, who is only 12, but can definitely hold his own among the adults. I can’t wait to see this guy again.
In the end, I can say that this was definitely a fun film and I really had a good time.