
DVD Pick of the Day: Paul


My latest acquisition is the wonderful geeky comedy Paul.  As is always the case these days with R-rated comedies, the package contains both the theatrical version of the film, along with an “unrated” cut.

The Blu-ray seems packed with special features, which includes the typical making of documentaries, as well as some interestingly named featurettes, such as Simon’s Silly Faces and Who the Hell is Adam Shadowchild?  Other features include bloopers, a commentary, and galleries.

There is also a Blu-Ray exclusive offer to use the Universal pocket BLU app to stream a Bonus Movie (though the offer is only valid until the end of the year).

Blu-Ray/DVD Combo – $25.99 (CAN), $19.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B0050PYNO4)
Standard – $19.99 (CAN), $16.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B0050PYNP8)
Film Thoughts: A hilarious film for geeks everywhere (and non-geeks too)
Film Rating: 9/10

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