DVD Picks – February 23, 2010 – The Box, The Informant, The Vampire’s Assistant, and More

ir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B001UV4XX8

Sorry for the lack of blog activity for the last few weeks.  Things have been busy for me.

Anyways, my top DVD pick for this week is Richard Kelly’s The Box.  I hope you enjoy the rest.

The Box
Blu-Ray – $26.13 (CAN), $24.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B001UV4XX8)
Standard – $27.49 (CAN), $17.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B001UV4XWYir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B002WY65VU)
My Thoughts – A pretty good Twilight Zone-like thriller.
My Recommendation – Rent It

The Informant! [Blu-ray]ir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B001PR0YGC
The Informant!
Blu-Ray – $27.99 (CAN),  $24.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B001PR0YGC)
Standard – $24.99 (CAN), $17.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B0031OCY2E)

Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant [Blu-ray]ir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B0030Y0I28

The Vampire’s Assistant
Blu-Ray – $28.99 (CAN), $24.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B0030Y0I28)
Standard – $24.99 (CAN), $17.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B0030Y0I1Y)

Dead Snow [Blu-ray]ir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B002VKB0K6

ir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B002VKB0KG

Dead Snow

Blu-Ray – $29.99 (CAN), $20.49 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B002VKB0K6)
Standard – $22.99 (CAN), $17.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B002VKB0KG)

Blu-Ray Re-Releases
The Crazies [Blu-ray]ir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B002VRNJQ2
The Crazies – $25.49 (CAN), $16.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B002VRNJQ2)

And that’s my DVD Picks for this week.


Sean Patrick Kelly

Sean Patrick Kelly is a Toronto-based freelance film critic and blogger with a Bachelor of Arts in Cinema and Media Studies from York University. Since founding his site in 2004, Sean has shared his passion for cinema through insightful reviews and commentary. His work has also been featured in prominent outlets, including Toronto Film Scene, HuffPost Canada, Screen Anarchy, ScreenRant, and Rue Morgue Magazine.

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