The Magic Life of V

The Magic Life of V

A young Finnish woman attends LARPing events to escape the traumatic events of her childhood in The Magic Life of V. Veera is a young woman from Finland, who is struggling to cope with childhood memories of her alcoholic father, while also caring for her mentally disabled brother Ville. As a means of escape, Veera…



After seeing the latest Disney/Pixar collaboration Brave, I realized how difficult a film it is to market without giving away some major plot details.  Indeed, the film I saw today was quite different than the film that was advertised in the trailers.  That said, I still enjoyed the film that I saw. Without giving away…



Oliver Stone did an interesting thing with this biopic of president George W. Bush. While he could have have took the opportunity to trash than man for his many bad decisions in the White House, the film instead takes a sympathetic view at Bush’s life. The main plot involves the actions leading into and directly…