Taken 2

Taken 2

When it was released in 2008, Taken became a surprise hit and started Liam Neeson‘s current career path as an action star.  That said, there wasn’t really any need for a sequel.  The film was seemed like a fairly stand-alone story, which saw Neeson’s ex-spy Bryan Mills tear through Paris looking for his kidnapped daughter. …

Knight and Day

Knight and Day

It has been a rough few years for Tom Cruise, however this film was truly a return to form.  The fact that the film is partially a comedy lets Cruise poke a little fun at his star personal.  As for Cameron Diaz, I thought she was okay enough and she had an alright chemistry with…



Apparently the North American release of this film was delayed so long that it was released is pretty much every other country, but here. I also found out that this version of Taken is an edited PG-13 version, instead of the more violent version that was released overseas. That said, I still found the film…