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Audible – Hot Docs 2021

Table of Contents

Members of a deaf high school football team head towards homecoming coming to terms with the loss of a close friend in . Amaree McKenstry-Hall became deaf when he received meningitis as a child and he is currently a member of the championship football team at the Maryland School for the Deaf. After a heartbreaking loss for the team, ending a 42 game winning streak, Amaree reflects on his future, in light of the recent suicide of his best friend Teddy.

Audible is a 40-minute Netflix-produced documentary directed by Emmy Winning filmmaker Matt Ogens and produced by deaf actor Nyle DiMarco and actor Peter Berg. The film follows various members of the Maryland School for the Deaf football team in the lead-up to a big homecoming game, with the primary focus being Amaree McKenstry-Hall, who questioning his life after high school and the challenges that come with being a deaf person in society.

I would estimate that at least 75% of Audible is told through subtitled sign language, with the only spoken interviews coming from Amaree's parents, particularly his father, who is trying to rebuild his relationship with his son after walking out on his family years prior. In addition, the film features some quite well-shot footage of the team's football games. Altogether, Audible is a very inspirational story that tries to show deaf people as people who are capable of anything, despite their challenges.


Audible is streaming as part of the 2021 Hot Docs World Showcase Shorts: The School of Life program

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