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DVD Picks – March 1, 2010 – 127 Hours, Faster, Love & Other Drugs and More

127hoursir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B004L3AQFG

It what can be considered impeccable timing, Best Picture nominee 127 Hours is released today only two days after the Oscar ceremony (the timing would have been more impeccable if the film actually won).  Not sure if I’m going to rush out and buy the film (you can only see that amputation scene so many times), but it is still my main pick of the week.  On to the picks.

127 Hours
Blu-Ray – $29.99 (CAN), $19.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B004L3AQFG)
Standard – $19.99 (CAN), $14.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B0041KKYDI)
My Thoughts: While not the best “person entrapped in enclosed area” film released last year, it was an intriguing and suspenseful film that will keep you on the edge of your seat, even though you know how it’s going to end.
My Recommendation: Rent It

Faster [Blu-ray]ir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B0034G4OUY
Blu-Ray – $19.99 (CAN), $19.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B0034G4OUY)
Standard – $21.99 (CAN), $14.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B0034G4OUO)
My Thoughts: A formulaic film that I wouldn’t rush to see again.
My Recommendation: Rent It

Love & Other Drugs [Blu-ray]ir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B004L3AQLU
Love & Other Drugs
Blu-Ray – $34.99 (CAN), $22.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B004L3AQLU)
Standard – $32.61 (CAN), $16.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B004L3AR0K)

(There is also a certain Christina Aguilera/Cher film being released this week, but I feel no need to even mention it – other than this aside of course)

Blu-Ray Re-Releases
Bambi (Two-Disc Diamond Edition Blu-ray/DVD Combo in Blu-ray Packaging)ir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B004AKCMES
Bambi – Diamond Edition – $29.99 (CAN), $22.99 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B004AKCMES)

The Cable Guy [Blu-ray]ir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B004FGMZJY
The Cable Guy – 15th Anniversary Edition – $18.88 (CAN), $17.49 (USir?t=seakelonmov03 20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B004FGMZJY)

And those are my DVD Picks for this week.

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    Sean Patrick Kelly

    Sean Patrick Kelly is a Toronto-based freelance film critic and blogger with a Bachelor of Arts in Cinema and Media Studies from York University. Since founding his site in 2004, Sean has shared his passion for cinema through insightful reviews and commentary. His work has also been featured in prominent outlets, including Toronto Film Scene, HuffPost Canada, Screen Anarchy, ScreenRant, and Rue Morgue Magazine.

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