TADFF18: Five Films to See at Toronto After Dark 2018

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The 2018 edition of the Toronto After Dark Film Festival takes place from from October 11-19, 2018 at the Scotiabank Theatre in Toronto. The entire line-up for the festival has now been announced, so it is time for me to list off the five films that I specifically recommend you check out at the festival. These are either films that I saw and enjoyed earlier this year at Fantasia or they simply stand out for me among the films this year. For each selection, I’ll also list a few similar films, to give you an idea of what each selection is about.


Satan’s Slaves (, Indonesia) – Special Presentation

It has been a very solid year for scary haunted house films and Satan’s Slaves is a film that you should not miss. This is a truly scary film and it has probably one of the most well-executed ghost reveals I have ever seen in a film. This was my favourite film from Fantasia this year at Satan’s Slaves should not be missed.

See If You Liked: HereditaryParanormal Activity 3

mega time squad

Mega Time Squad (Tim van Dammen, New Zealand) – Toronto Premiere

New Zealand has been a breeding ground of genre-comedies over the last few years and Mega Time Squad is no exception. This is quite enjoyable time travel comedy and is sure to be a major crowd pleaser.

See If You Like: HouseboundFlight of the ConchordsWhat We Do in the Shadows


Overlord (Julius Avery, USA) – Canadian Premiere

Produced by and set for a wide release in November, hosting the Canadian premiere of Overlord is probably one of the highest profile Toronto After Dark acquisitions, since they played the -produced The Last Exorcism way back in 2010. While not the first World War II zombie film, Overlord will undoubtedly be a can’t miss film at the festival this year.

See If You Like: Dead SnowTrench 11


Lifechanger (, Canada) – Toronto Premiere

Local Toronto filmmaker Justin McConnell unleashes his inner Cronenberg, with this film that combines shapeshifting body horror with a romance plot. This is sure to be one of the most hyped screenings of the festival, with many local cast and crew in attendance.

See If You Like: Dead RingersThe Fly


and the Apocalypse (John McPhail, UK) – Toronto Premiere

This is a Christmas-set musical with zombies. ‘Nuff said!

See If You Like: Shaun of the DeadLa La Land

And those are my five films to see at Toronto After Dark. For a full listing of films and information on how to get passes and tickets, please check out the official website at http://torontoafterdark.com/


Sean Patrick Kelly

Sean Patrick Kelly is a Toronto-based freelance film critic and blogger with a Bachelor of Arts in Cinema and Media Studies from York University. Since founding his site in 2004, Sean has shared his passion for cinema through insightful reviews and commentary. His work has also been featured in prominent outlets, including Toronto Film Scene, HuffPost Canada, Screen Anarchy, ScreenRant, and Rue Morgue Magazine.

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