
Highlights of Fantasia 2016


Tomorrow marks the start of the 20th annual edition of the Fantasia International Film Festival. again, I will be making into Montreal to check out genre films from around the world. With the entire festival running for around 21 days, would be nearly impossible for me to see everything, especially since I'll only be in Montreal a little under half the festival. Here are some of the highlights that will be playing at this year's Fantasia.

 – Gilles Penso and Alexandre Poncet, France (Canadian Premiere)
One thing that makes this documentary about movie monster designers a must watch is that one of the subjects Guillermo del Toro will be in attendance at the screening and give one of his infamous master classes.

Terraformars – Takashi Miike, Japan (North American Premiere)
 – Takashi Miike, Japan (Canadian Premiere)
Takashi Miike will be receiving a lifetime achievement award at this year's Fantasia and will in attendance for the screening of two new films playing opening weekend.

 – Ti West (International Premiere)
For his latest film, Ti West switches to the genre for this film sporting an all-star cast that includes and John Travolta.

 – Na Hong-jin, South Korea (Montreal Premiere)
I missed The Wailing during its brief Toronto theatrical run, so I look forward to catching with this supernatural thriller at Fantasia.

 – David F. Sandberg, USA (Special Screening)
A few days before its theatrical wide release, this new supernatural horror film produced by James Wan will play at a special Fantasia screening.

Let Me Make You a Martyr – Corey Asraf and John Swab, USA (World Premiere)
Marilyn Manson stars in this small town crime thriller.

Yoga Hosers – , USA (Canadian Premiere)
Kevin Smith continues his “True North” trilogy with this horror-comedy starring Smith's teenage daughter Harley Quinn.

That wraps up my selected highlights of Fantasia 2016. I will see you at the festival in a couple days!

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