


startrekThis week, we look at the new trailer for J.J. Abram's look at the first mission for Kirk and the crew.

Star Trek

FirstShowing is calling this film a reboot (which seems to be a big buzzword these days). However, producer/director J.J. Abrams (of LOST, Mission: Impossible III, and Cloverfield fame) has been quoted saying that he is trying to have his new film adhere to the existing canon (to the point that the film will feature Leonard Nimoy as the older Spock). As such, I will just label it as the more traditional “prequel.”

That does not mean that I am not going to be critical of this trailer (this will probably be my biggest critque of a trailer).

First is the opening. It's a “bait and switch” opening, where it looks like the trailer for some Fast and the Furious-type film. We then see some sort of spaceman and he asks the driver, who is a young boy, his name and the boy replies, with slight arrogance, “my name is James Tiberius Kirk.”

That opening just left a bad taste in my mouth. It just didn't feel right in a trailer for a film.

That said, after that 43 second opener, the trailer does improve in the second half when we are finally shown scenes aboard the Enterprise. I've read critiques that the crew looks too young, however I think that is the point of the film. There are also some people, who can't seems to separate Zachary Quinto, who plays Spock, from his character of Syler on the TV series Heroes.

Overall, this might have not been the best way to market the film, but I will still hold off any feeling for the film itself until I see the film next May (and hopefully there will be a better trailer before then).

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