The dark comedy Bloody Knuckles is a film that combines the horror concept of a severed hand with a mind of its own, previously seen in films such as Evil Dead 2 and Idle Hands, and combines it with a very crude sense of humour. Bloody Knuckles is not at all a politically correct film, with the hand essentially acting out everything that Travis previously drew in his “Vulgarian Invasions” comic books. Even though the humour in Bloody Knuckles is on the highly offensive side, it still leads to some absolutely hilarious moments. The actual plot of Bloody Knuckles, which involves the controversial businessman Leonard Fong, who is really the leader of the Golden Dragons street gang, is really only a springboard for the outrageous events in the film. Other than the hand itself, the breakthrough character in Bloody Knuckles is the S&M gear wearing “gay superhero” Homo Dynamos, who is inspired by a character Travis drew for his comic. Looking and speaking like a character from The Road Warrior and having the power to literally crush heads, Homo Dynamos practically steals the show when he appears. Altogether, Bloody Knuckles is one very fun to watch, and very politically incorrect, comedy. 9 | REALLY LIKED IT
Bloody Knuckles – Blood in the Snow 2014
Bloody Knuckles – Blood in the Snow 2014
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