The Tahltan First Nation protests against mining on their land in KONELĪNE: our land beautiful. The Tahltan territory of northwestern British Columbia is known to them as “koneline” or “our land beautiful.” However, the land is an area know as the “Golden Triangle” to miners, due to the area’s rich gold and calcium deposits. With mines moving in and disturbing the nature of the area, the elders of Tahltan Nation create blockades to protest the development.
There are many themes that are tackled in KONELĪNE: our land beautiful, such as the development of First Nation’s land, as well as the overall desire to preserve the Tahltan languages and traditions. With miners setting up on their remote land, there is a fear by the Tahltan people that once the people come, the wilderness of the area will just disappear. However, there isn’t really a black and white solution to this problem, since there are some Tahltan, who want the jobs that the mine will provide to the area.
KONELĪNE: our land beautiful asks the question whether it is right to develop on this Northern BC land, even though it apparently has a world class gold deposit. Indeed, the film makes the case that this land should be preserved, through the many breathtaking wilderness shots in the film. The film give many different points of view on the development on this land and is an intriguing story of nature vs gold mines.

Content Warning: KONELĪNE: our land beautiful features a quite graphic scene of hunters shooting and skinning a moose.