The biggest thing to happen during my volunteer shift yesterday was that I stood inside the theatre during a screening (to make sure there were no bootleggers in the crowd). As such, I also got to see the film (whenever I was not looking at the crowd), so I will post some quick thoughts on it.
This film was documentary film about a large family (9 children), who were raised by their father in a trailer, surviving only all the bare necessities of life and all of them learning how to surf. Like most biographical documentaries, this covers both the highs and the lows of the family.
From what I saw of the film, it was quite good. The father had such a unique view on life that most of the things that he said came across as quite funny. It was definitely a nice little film.
(Quick Aside: I should point out that on my shift I saw some P&I folks with iPhones, which I found neat, since they are not yet available in Canada)
Other than going to buy more screening tickets, I am taking a little break from the festival today and tomorrow morning. Then starting tomorrow at 4, I will start actually seeing some of the films at the festival (and it’s going to be a lot).