

This film can’t be really described in words, you really must experience it yourself. That said, it was the most fun I can at the movies this year. Of the two features, I would say I enjoyed Robert Rodriguez’s Planet Terror better. It just seemed more campy and fun. However, as a whole package, I…

Blades of Glory

Blades of Glory

My first thoughts on this film was that it was essentially “Zoolander on Ice,” with all the homoerotic overtones and such. In fact, it’s those overtones where most of the comedy in the film is derived. I would definitely say that my biggest laughs came from the skating scenes. The rest of the film was…



This weekend I was deciding between seeing this action thriller or checking out the big screen return of, my childhood favourites, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Well, I decided go for the more “grown up” of the two (though I still will still see that Ninja Turtles movie one way or the other). So, what…



A Canadian comedy about domesticated zombies. Who WOULDN’T want to check that out? Basically the film takes place after a zombie apocalypse where life supposedly reverted back to the way it was in 50s sitcoms and the zombies are controlled with restraining collars. The movie was quite cheesy, but because of the 50s sitcom feel,…



It’s late, I’m tired, I’ll make this brief. I thought 300 was not only visually stunning, but it had a pretty decent story too. Also, even though it was hyperviolent, the violence was made to look similar to what it would look in the pages on a comic book (since, of course, the film is…

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider is definitely one the lesser known characters in the Marvel Universe. Heck, I only really recognized the villain, Mephistopheles, purely from his inclusion in an old NES Surfer Surfer game. Still, I would have to say that Ghost Rider is one of most enjoyable of the Marvel comic movies. In my opinion, it…

The Messengers

The Messengers

Sam Raimi’s “Ghost House Pictures” production company has been a little hit and miss with the horror films it produces. It started off strong with The Grudge. However, a few months later, company released Boogeyman, which, while watchable, was pale in comparison to the, very creepy, Grudge. It also seemed, that a lot of the…

Smokin’ Aces

Smokin’ Aces

OK, here is my first “review,” though I would call it more an observation. I never paid much attention to this film until I saw some TV spots for it (and, later, the trailer). I thought the film seemed to have a Guy Ritchie vibe to it. So, I watched the film today. Even though…