Sunday Afternoon Netflix Documentary – Inside Job
Earlier this year, I briefly started the habit of watching documentaries on Netflix and posting my thoughts on them. Sadly, the habit only lasted a few weeks, as I soon found myself not having the time to watch documentaries on Sunday afternoons.
However, I found myself free today and I decided to bring back the “Sunday Afternoon Netflix Documentary” with last year’s Oscar-winning documentary Inside Job.
Inside Job looks into the causes of the 2008 financial crisis. In essence, the film blaims corporate greed amongst the US financial companies, who are pretty much free to do whatever they want, thanks to huge political clout.
Typical with most documentaries, the film is filled with interviews. The interviews in this film are interesting, since they have a certain “rawness” to them. The director’s questions (which are typically edited out) are left in during most of the interviews and the film also features moments where the subjects begin to get angry with the director’s questions and essentially say that the interview’s over. The film also features many intertitles pointing out whenever someone refused to give an interview, which happens so often it becomes a recurring joke.
Overall, I’ll say that Inside Job was an interesting film that gives insight on the 2008 crisis, which is even more poignant in the light of the continuing financial woes that plagued the U.S. in the last month or so.