There’s Something on Netflix – March 13, 2014
It is time once again to go through the Netflix Canada selection and offer up some suggestions. I do have to say that Netflix is trying to include more blockbuster films in their library. Some of the recent additions include World War Z, Star Trek into Darkness, Pain & Gain, Olympus has Fallen, A Good Day to Die Hard, and G.I. JOE Retaliation. These films undoubtedly cater to a more mainstream audience and it should make those who have complained about the lack of such films happy. One of the highlights of last year’s Midnight Madness programme at TIFF was the film Oculus, which will be getting a regular in the release later this year. In the meantime, you can watch director Mike Flanagan’s previous film Absentia, which was recently added to the Netflix library. Some other notable recent additions include Steve McQueen‘s Shame, Lars Von Trier’s Melancholia, Joe Swanberg‘s Drinking Buddies, Edgar Wright‘s Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, and the comedy hit 21 Jump Street. You can always find a great documentary selection on Netflix and some of the recent doc additions include Blackfish, 56 Up, and Good Ol’ Freda. Then of course there is Netflix’s developing repertoire of original television series. Recently, the new season of House of Cards was added to the library and this past week saw the start of From Dusk Til Dawn: The Series. The latter is an adaptation of Robert Rodriguez’s 1996 film of the same name and, unlike most Netflix Original Series’, From Dusk Til Dawn will stick to the traditional format of releasing only one episode per week. That wraps up my Netflix picks for today. Until next time!