What I Watched – January 1-10

It’s been nearly a month since my last post, so it would be too much to put all the films I watched during the holidays. Instead, I will limit myself to the start of the year (you can always get my full log over at Letterboxd). Here is what I watched:
- Pulp Fiction – Rewatch (Blu-Ray) – Got the Tarantino Blu-Ray box set for Christmas and have been working my way though the films.
- Jackie Brown – Rewatch (Blu-Ray) – Ditto
- Kill Bill Vol 1&2 – Rewatch (Blu-Ray) – It took over 4 hours, but watching both volumes back-to-back was the way to go.
- Stories We Tell – First Viewing (Cinema) – This might have made my top ten if I saw it in 2012
- Johnny English Reborn – First Viewing (Movie Network OnDemand) – Other than a hilarious cooking scene (during the credits), this was only a so-so film.
- Rebelle (War Witch) – First Viewing (Cinema) – A solid (and freshly Oscar nominated) film.