What I Watched – June 24-July 7

It has definitely been a very slow period of movie watching. With the course I was taking now pretty much over, I now expect that I will have time to watch films more regularly. Anyways, here is what I watched over the last two weeks or so. Theatrical Screenings
Much Ado About Nothing – Turned out to be quite a fun film
Monsters University – Not really necessary, but I still enjoyed it for what it was
China Behind – Even though it was banned in China for being anti-communist, it was a bit of a dull film.
Deceptive Practice: The Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay – This was pure magic
The Lone Ranger – Takes too long to get where its going, but I still liked it.
The Warriors – Had its moments, but feels a bit dated.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (rewatch) – Still an enjoyable little film.
Pitch Perfect – I was divided between completely writing this film off and somewhat liking it. I went with the latter.
Screened in Class
- Captain Coulier – A cheesy and foul-mouthed sci-fi short.
- Broken Tulip (rewatch) – Brandon Cronenberg’s debut short introduces the concepts that were expanded into Antiviral.
- Blink – An interesting morality tale about a world controlled by social media
- Life Doesn’t Frighten Me – Cute coming of age story with an even cuter pug dog.
- So Soon Forgotten – An $80,000 student film that could’ve used a little more script development