What I Watched – May 27-June 3
Danny Elfman Teaches Music for Film

With many of my regular TV shows gone for the summer I have a lot more time for casual movie-watching. This is shown in this week’s watchlist, which saw me watch no less than eleven films over the course of the week. This included a handful of M. Night Shyamalan films in advance of last weekend’s release of After Earth. I personally wish I had more time to rewatch his whole filmography (and I reminded myself that I probably should pick up The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable on blu-ray, since I only have those films on VHS). Anyways, here is what I watched. Theatrical Screenings
Mud – Despite being a bit slow, I overall enjoyed this film and its themes and relationships and family.
American Mary (rewatch) – It may not be personally my type of film, but the Soska twins definite have their hearts in the right place.
Charles Bradley: Soul of America – An interesting story of a man, who found musical success so late in his life.
After Earth – The film is not perfect, but I liked it.
Projected DVD
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – This film is definitely made by Jack Nicolson’s performance as someone somewhere in between crazy and sane.
Run Lola Run – A very high octane and fun film.
Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story – I can say I enjoyed this very self-reflexive British comedy.
Signs (rewatch) – This is probably my second favourite Shyamalan film after The Sixth Sense.
The Happening (rewatch) – Sure the acting’s not the greatest, but I still think it’s a solid horror film. Also I came to the realization that I think Zooey Deschanel‘s character is supposed to have Asperger’s.
The Words – Nothing truly special about this film, which is part romance, part morality tale.
Behind the Candelabra – Other than the hype of this being Steven Soderbergh’s final film, I didn’t see the film as much more than a so-so HBO biopic.