The Place Beyond the Pines

The Place Beyond the Pines

Director Derek Cianfrance follows up the 2010 romance Blue Valentine with this film about two men on opposite sides of the law.  Luke (Ryan Gosling) is a motorcycle stunt driver, who is reunited with his old flame Romina (Eva Mendes).  Just as he was about to leave town with the carnival he works for, he…

Holy Motors

Holy Motors

Holy Motors is not an easy film for me to describe.  At first glance, the film seems to be a series of, seemingly unrelated, vignettes, all of which feature a mysterious character, by the name of Monsieur Oscar, playing a different persona.  The film doesn’t seem to have a traditional narrative, other than a framing…



You may not know Craig “Radioman” Castaldo by his name, but I am almost certain that you have seen the guy.  Radioman is known for appearing at the film sets around New York City, always with his bike and trusty radio.  Often this results in him getting a brief cameo role in the production.  In…

The Other Guys

The Other Guys

Of the two buddy cop movies to be released this year, I am inclined to say that I prefer Cop Out to this one.  While the critics absolutely loathed Kevin Smith‘s film, at least it had a clear intention what it was out to do. As for The Other Guys, I am still trying to…